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Help Center

Subscription and cancellation
Can I change my order?
Forgot to order something or ordered the wrong quantity? Contact our customer service.
Can I cancel my order?
Yes it's possible. However, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible.
What happens if I don`t pay for my order?
You have different options for making a payment.

Shipping and collection
How will the ordered goods reach me?
When placing an order, you can choose the mode of transport that suits you.
Can I pick up my order now?
Thank you for your order. However, we ask that you wait until you receive confirmation in your e-mail that your order has been completed.
Which countries do you ship to?
We currently deliver goods to the following countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland.

Return and exchange
Can I return the product?
Yes. According to the Obligations Act, it is possible to withdraw from a contract concluded using a communication tool within 14 days of receiving the product.
Can I exchange products?
If it turns out that you ordered the wrong product and you want to change it, please let us know by e-mail: